Ready - Set - Sew!


Ready, Set Sew!

You’ve all heard the proverb “it takes a village to raise a child”, highlighting the benefits of community wisdom and support.  Well, it also takes a “village” to learn new sewing skills, practice those skills, and provide encouragement during the process.  That’s exactly what happened during our “Ready, Set, Sew” adventure.

It all started when various guild members expressed renewed (or first time) interest in exploring the process of garment construction but weren’t quite sure how to get started.   For some, it had been years since making a garment, some had never made a garment, and others simply enjoyed the benefits of group projects.  Meanwhile, other guild members wanted to participate in a group project but preferred a quilting focus.  So, after some discussion, two simple patterns were selected: the Moss Jacket from Helen’s Closet and a quilted triangle table runner, free from All People Quilt.  Guild members signed up by selecting their preference and paying a $10 enrollment fee which would be refunded if the project was completed by an agreed upon deadline. 

The next three sewing guild meetings were dedicated to exploring the components of each project.  Jacket makers assisted each other in taking accurate personal measurements, practiced copying a pattern from a master, gained insights about individual fit issues, and discussed various possibilities for the actual sewing of the jacket.  Meanwhile, the quilters learned to accurately cut fabric using a rotary cutter, practiced ¼ seam allowances, explored color choices, and pieced a table runner that featured triangles. 

During the June guild meeting (the project deadline) 31 very proud participants showed their completed projects and were rewarded with $10!  An informal evaluation discussion revealed an overall enthusiasm for Ready, Set, Sew.  Comments included:  loved the opportunity to sew with a group, wasn’t thrilled with the jacket pattern choice but learned a lot anyway, really appreciated the encouragement and suggestions from other group participants.  Another positive experience----attending the newly form neighborhood group, Pattern Works, for assistance with fitting issues. 




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