Oil Cloth Serger Trim Catcher

Make yourself a serger trim catcher to keep those thread and scraps off the floor!  At the December Sew Styling meeting we went over the pattern from https://overtheedge.blog/tutorials/jens-serger-trim-catcher-mat-tutorial  and learned about oil cloth.  Now for the homework – constructing the catcher!  If you don’t’ have a serger, the mat would be great under a sewing machine.  We will show off our new catchers at the January 2024 meeting.


The project uses oil cloth - a slippery, waterproof fabric that you have seen in table clothes and rain-wear.  At the December Sew Styling, Joyce Savage provided several example of the fabric and a tutorial on how to sew with it.  The information is available from https://www.onlinefabricstore.com/makersmill/oilcloth-fabric .


So let's make catchers!


15” x 18” grip shelf liner

15” x 18” oilcloth

6” x 19” oilcloth

6” x 19” cotton fabric

Serger thread such as Maxilock (needle) Sulky 12wt (2 spools – loopers)

12” wooden dowel (1/4” thick) or 12” piece of boning



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