Where Did My Desire to Sew Go?

In the past 18 months, I have suffered several sewing slumps.  This is rare for me.  Usually, I have more ideas for projects than I have time to sew, but the desire to sew is always there.   I believe this desire is fading due to the isolation caused by the Covid-19 virus.  I expected the isolation from family, friends, church, shopping, and other business.  I did not expect the isolation to cause my desire to sew to evaporate.  In fact, I think I considered it a chance to have a lot more sewing time.  I do have the time, but I don’t feel like sewing.  Where did my desire go?

Prior to the pandemic, I was a part of several sewing groups.  I believe this is referred to as social sewing.  I met with friends to sew every Wednesday, one Friday of each month, and one Saturday of each month.  In addition to those meetings, I also attended the Lansing Chapter of the American Sewing Guild (ASG) meeting once a month.  There were also specialty groups formed within the ASG chapter called Neighborhood Groups.  I met with three of those groups once a month.  Occasionally, the ASG chapter would hold sewing classes with special instructors and once in a while we would have a session to sew for charity.

I loved being a part of those groups.  Everyone was willing to give advice on projects or share a new technique they had learned.  It was easy to be creative with all those ideas from everyone.  Because of Covid-19, our group meetings have been reduced to Zoom meetings.  Although I enjoy the Zoom meetings, they are not the same as in-person meetings.  Although we can hold up completed projects in front of our computer cameras, it is not the same as seeing the projects and discussing them in person.  And the enthusiasm for sewing does not come through the screen!  Don’t get me wrong.  I enjoy sewing by myself in my sewing room, but I also enjoy sewing and discussing sewing with others.  I think the lack of social sewing caused my desire to sew to weaken.  Perhaps you can relate to that.

My hope for the Lansing Clippers is that soon we can begin to meet in person and inspire each other to sew!  I do not wish to put any of us at risk, but hopefully with more and more people getting the Covid-19 vaccine, there will be fewer Covid-19 cases and there will be opportunities for us to return to in-person meetings once again.  I believe our President and the Chapter Advisory Board will be carefully watching and evaluating the assessment by state and local health officials to determine when it is safe once again to meet in person.

Please continue to sew and share your projects with others during our zoom meetings.  The day will come when we can hold those meetings in person.  Until then, happy sewing!


Note - This post was written by Lansing Clippers member, Judy Huhn.  She also writes a personal sewing blog at https://chickenlittlesews.blogspot.com. 





  1. Hi Judy, I thought this had only happened to me. I blamed my lack of enthusiasm for sewing/quilting to moving, Covid-19 and other excuses. I thought everyone else was happily sewing away. I also look forward to being able to get back together with friends and other sewers. I didn't realize how much others inspired my desire to sew! Sandy Theisen


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