Quick Gifts to Sew     

"Quick Gifts to Sew" was the topic for discussion at the Lansing Clippers November meeting.  The meeting was once again held via Zoom; however, plans are being made to hold in-person meetings next year.  All of us are looking forward to that! 

Some of our members showed gifts they were making for Christmas.  They included finger puppets, small bags with zippers and a see-through vinyl side, potato bag, pattern weights, tree decoration made from strips of fleece, and balls made from fleece for indoor play.  There was a wide variety of ideas for gifts that you still have time to make before Christmas.

If you missed the meeting, don’t despair.  Maybe you can get an idea from the above list.  If you don’t have a pattern for those items, try looking for a free pattern on the internet.  There are lots of freebies out there.  Start by searching for “free pattern for finger puppets” or whatever item you need.   Below is a list of just a few sites that offer free patterns.

1.     Finger Puppets - https://www.feltwithlovedesigns.com/links-love-free-finger-puppet-patterns/.  This site lists 20 free patterns for puppets along with the websites that have them.

2.      Baked Potato Bag - https://hellosewing.com/microwave-potato-bag-tutorial/.  This link lists the supplies needed and gives instructions for making a potato bag.   Remember if you make these bags, everything you use must be 100% cotton including the thread.  Otherwise, they will not be safe to use in a microwave oven. 

3.      Tree Skirt - https://so-sew-easy.com/60-free-christmas-tree-skirt-patterns/.  This link gives links to 60 free tree skirt patterns and one from their own site. 

4.      Pattern Weights - https://theruffledpurse.com/how-to-make-pattern-weights/.  This site will give you three different ways to sew pattern weights. 

5.      Potholders - https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/potholders-hot-pads-and-oven-mitts-2978001.  This link gives lots of ideas for potholders.  If you need a potholder without binding, try https://www.applegreencottage.com/potholder-pattern/. 

6.      Clear Vinyl Bag with Zipper - https://www.hungryhippiesews.com/2016/08/how-to-sew-clear-vinyl-bag.html. 

You still have time to make a few of these before Christmas.  Download your free patterns and get started!  Hope to see you soon at one of our monthly meetings.



*This post was written by Judy Huhn.  She also writes a personal blog at https://chickenlittlesews.blogspot.com. 





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